Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Classical Astronomy Almanack, a little gem to view the night sky #hsreviews



PhotobucketDo you have a Astronomy enthusiast in your family or are you looking to learn more about the vast stars in the sky?  The TOS crew was asked to review The Classical Astonomy Celestial Almanack February. Like many of the other members of the Crew I was unsure of  the book because of the low low price, but I have to say it is amazing. This little book is 21 pages packed full of sky maps, constellation maps and dates to show you what the sky will look like on a particular evening.
The big event for February 2012 is alignment of Venus and Jupiter that can be seen in the night sky.  We did take the boys out a couple nights this month to look at the night sky and find various constellations and explain the planetary alignment. Both boys are very excited for February 15th  and 29th  so they will be able to really see the planets. This is a rare occasion and a great opportunity to talk about how perfect God's creation really is.
As an artist and history fan, I was immediately attracted to the design elements in line with Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack and saw the opportunity to bring in the math (roman numerals) and language (old English) into our lesson.
There is still plenty time this month to get a lot out of this unit, while there are no really worksheets or questions to answer, there are plenty of opportunities to discuss astronomy and creation.
This is just the beginning too as this is a monthly publication. You can pick up this awesome Astronomy product HERE.

Be sure to check out what the rest of the Crew thought about this little gem HERE
We were provided with a copy of this product as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew in exchange for our honest opinion of the product.

***edited to add some news after the fact**** We decided we need to take a field trip soon as we haven't gone camping lately... We decided to work this unit into a camping weekend to a local state park that has amazing night sky views. We will be sure to post a follow up after the camping field trip.

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