Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A New Year and a new view?

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since my last posting... I have reset my homepage to blogger.com inhopes that I keep a better blog. We will see.

Every day I hear about making New Year's resolutions and realize that I am not even considering resolutions this year... Perhaps its a new view, but most likely its just growing up and knowing that no matter what happens I don't keep the damn things so why make them.

Things to consider for the new year though...
Goals are better than resolutions. Goals have steps where resolutions seem so forced.
A game plan will help me keep up with my Goals... Perhaps I will set up a different blog just for my baby steps and my goals... It might keep me on track a little better...

My life and my house seem to be in total disarray, I think its time to focus some of my energies on creating a more peaceful existance. I see all this stuff about ZEN and wonder if maybe there isn't something to be said for it... if my world was simplier perhaps (I can dream) I would be less stressed and more at peace...

This next week with be another adventure in the toddler years... But thats another blog all its own too.... I could create a Blog for the boys.... Heck thats what their scrapbooks are for...

Off to bed, its late and the boys will be up sooner than I like to think...
Good Night Moon@!

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