Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Note to Self

This morning I am tackling a project.

I am clearing out my inbox. For the last 18 months, yes 18 months I have been storing stuff in my email inbox. I decided all these wonderful resources were doing me no good sitting in the inbox so starting last night I began the arduious task of cleaning out the inbox, saving files I will use , deleting old messages, replying to the last month of messages that I hadn't gotten to, and finally deleting files I won't use.

I started with 1.96 gigabytes of stuff and as of 10:00 a.m. I have deleted down to 1.5 gigabytes... What the heck??? less than .5 gigabytes cleared out... UGH!!!

I am finding some wonderful resources that I can use for workboxes, story bags, and co-op sharing so it is worth it.

Later this morning N and I are going to purge some of the classroom and bring in some of the new fun treasures we picked up yesterday at Walmart and Staples. I still need a large White Board that is magnetic. Hopefully I can get one before the end of August (I keep hoping one goes on sale for less than $20 as I can't spend more than that)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are making great progress and finding some gems along the way.

    I have way too much stuff "stored" in my in box. It's a bit crazy how much stuff accumulates in there.

