Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Random thoughts...

random thoughts on nothing....

So here is another installment of randomness (is that a word???)

We took the boys to Chuck E Cheese's today as their reward for getting things cleaned up... Let me tell you as a Mom of 2 young boys it is WAY easier to enjoy the games and such on a weekday afternoon... We used a coupon of course and all 4 of us played games. It was fun and not at all the chaos of our last trip to the Cheese.

Take my advise , download the coupons from their website and go during the week!!!

Cameron and I worked on the Sunday School office ( think Mission Organization) today as well as several of the unused classrooms. Our little church now has 2 classes (I'll blog at blogspot about that blessing) and needs a little help in the organizational chaos department.. Monday, the pastor's wife and I worked in the office for about 30 minutes and managed to sort a lot of stuff. Today we managed to unload a lot of that stuff along with a lot of other stuff. I now have a better idea of what we actually have and what we need. Wish it was that easy to get ahold of my own office... of course that seems to be the never ending battle (but that is another blog all together)

Have you have palyed with Google Earth... It is kind of fun, and a little weird... Try it some time...

Any way, I guess that is enough ramblings....

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