Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday night (ok I'm posting it a day later)

Lessons learned from a group of 9 year olds….

I’ve spent the last 8 ½ months working with a group of 3 9 year olds in our Helping Hands group. Every other Tuesday afternoon we meet as part of the our church’s outreach for younger kids. Both my boys also took part in the program; Nathan in the Eager Beavers group for 5 year olds and Cameron in the Builders group for 3rd graders.  What a blessing this Adventurer group has been for our family and for this sometimes weary homeschool Mom.  Tonight was our last day and looking back I see that these 3 kids I spent time with actually taught me maybe more than I taught them… The first thing that comes to mind is that respect still exists. As we were awarding their honors my guy in the group actually saluted (I held it together and said something silly to him for fear I would actually cry) as I returned the salute I gave him a smile knowing I made a small difference in his live and in the back of my mind remembering the leaders and instructors I had as a young child.  
As a homeschool Mom we don’t always see the differences we make in the life of a child, to teach is a gift of God and a blessing we often don’t give full credence to.  Today I caught a glimpse of that blessing; the sweet smile of a child who feels successful, the cautious acceptance from the child who is successful even in a bilingual world, and the respect of the secure child who wanted a challenge and something outside the usual box.
Looking forward to next year I know that I can challenge these kids to think outside the boundaries of their classwork books and search their hearts for the desire to know and learn about God.  
Watching 9 year olds work on I remember that it is ok to love coloring, craft time is cool and just because you are 9 doesn't mean you can sit still for any great length of time or that your attention span is any longer...

I will treasure the things they taught me this year and hopefully take some of the lessons into next year with the incoming group.

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