Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Scripture 8/18

I thought I this week's post figured out, but this morning sitting on church I heard the verses with a new  meaning, so  I changed the verses for this week.

Psalms 35:9

King James Version (KJV)

And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

Psalms 144:15

King James Version (KJV)

15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

Just thinking about being Joyful and Happy in the ideas of God, this coming week is filing up with commitments and activities that I am looking forward to, but at the same time I crave that quiet time with God where I can be filled with joy knowing that our time together makes the rest of the activities during the week happier occasions. 

And on another note, also from this week's lesson. A passage from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in this week's lesson  really makes me think about what we do to encourage our Godly thoughts. Am I really doing what I need to in order to fill my mind with right ideas?

SH 60:29-9
Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man. We cannot circumscribe happiness within the limits of personal sense. The senses confer no real enjoyment.
The good in human affections must have ascendancy over the evil and the spiritual over the animal, or happiness will never be won. The attainment of this celestial condition would improve our progeny, diminish crime, and give higher aims to ambition.

Thoughts for the week!
Have a blessed week !