Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to 21 Days of Prayer for sons at Unvl HS

I'm so grateful that you have joined my group on this wonderful journey. As we pray for sons I pray that we are parents will also grow in grace and love.
If you are new to 21 days of Prayer for Sons   Brooke McGlothin has written a wonderful book Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most that takes you as a parent on a journey to praying the Word for our sons.   Together over the next 3 weeks I will share personal experiences as well as prayers for not only my 2 sons but, 3 sons of a dear friend who is battling brain cancer (I will share his story in another post), and the young grandson of a homeschool friend of ours who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia (he is only 5 weeks old.)

I know the power of prayer is an amazing thing. While I don't pray out loud or in public often I know that the power of a praying mother is sometimes the strongest prayers.  I often think of Mary and the prayers she must have prayed for her son even in his final hours on earth. What an amazing position we are in as mothers, to bring our boys closer to the throne of God through our prayers.

Tonight I pray for my sons as well as the others I mentioned but I also pray for you as a Mom of boys that you may grow on this journey.

Please feel free to leave a message below and follow the blog so we can journey together.


“The fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17.

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